Friday 1 September 2017

Living Off The Grid - The Reality

Living Off The Grid - The Reality

The way I have presented this blog is by trying to keep it as easy as possible and present the information on one page/post. All updates are dated, and it is my intention to keep updating this post until such time as I start getting a return through the incentives. I want to be sure that what I was promised is in fact what I get back, and if not, then this blog will act as a warning to others. So please check updates below.

Please note: The information below is my own personal experience and the opinions expressed here are my own, based on what I have gone through. 
The purpose of this blog is not to intentionally bring any company into disrepute but to warn others who may otherwise be exploited by unethical companies who purposly, in my opinion, give out false information and knowingly withhold information which prevent people from making informed decisions when buying these systems.  

August 2017 - I finally achieved a life long ambition to live off the grid, well at least I thought I on.

It wasn't easy to find the right people to deal with and get the necessary information but finally I can document my journey to help others.

Doing my own research did not do as much for me as actually discussing my needs face to face with a sales rep, and there lies the first problem. Everyone knows a sales reps loyalty is with his/her company and therefore you aren't guaranteed a non biased opinion. Where do you start and which company do you trust, after all this is a considerable investment needed. The only way I feel safe in these types of situations is to trust my intuition and be able to afford it financially. I knew of only one person who had installed solar panels when the government was giving an incentive but this was quite costly and truthfully I didn't understand the full implications of how the government incentive would help me in the long term. I do regret not doing this earlier as I could have benefited, but having said that, I feel the time is right for me now.

Solar is quite popular and has proven to be a reliable alternative to supply adequate electricity to a home, a more recent, relatively unknown, source of energy is an air source heat pump which eliminates your gas bill for central heating and hot water, the only thing it won't cover is gas for your cooker, that is if you still wish to use a gas cooker for cooking.

Moving on, I had a chance meeting with a rep from a company, who was at an address I was visiting, after a brief chat it seemed to me that the renewable heat incentive return for an air source heat pump was a no brainer, it would pay for itself. I would technically be buying my own power station and have free energy for life, whichever way I looked at it it was a no brainer, or so it seemed. Based on my current energy usage and the returns on the FIT & RHI quoted to me by the rep, the system would have paid for itself in 7-10 years time, granted, this is a long term investment but what's the alternative... keep paying the bills for life... I don't think so. Warning - See updates below - these systems will not pay for themselves!

Update - August 2017

There's quite a lot of work involved with the installation process which requires a surveyor to assess the property before recommending whether the system will provide the adequate energy needed.

My system is due to be installed in the next few weeks and the company I dealt with agreed to let me film the process. Keep watching this post for updates.

Update - September 2017 - Photovoltaic Solar Panels

My photovoltaic solar panels were fitted and commissioned by 05/09/2017. What should have been a one day job took two and a half days, the issue was partly to with the surveyor and the design of the roof and the neighbouring roof which although belonged to me, was part of another property. The installation process seemed quite straight forward once it was agreed that all the panels could be fitted (14 in total).
What I wasn't told was that it was my responsibility to contact my energy supplier and make the application for the FIT (Feed In Tariff) myself, I did this after calling my energy supplier (OVO) who sent me out a FIT application form, needless to say, this was all new for me so I needed to call them back a few times to make sure I was giving them the correct information they needed.

Not all energy suppliers are part of the FIT scheme, see the link to Ofgem (on right hand side) for a list of suppliers.

The main bits of information you will need is the MCS Installation Certificate (Microgeneration Certification Scheme) and the EPC Certificate (Energy Performance Certificate), which the company posted out to me.

I finally had everything completed and sent off by 15/09/2017, my energy supplier (OVO) still needed a bit of further information so eventually my FIT started from 19/09/2017.
I will have to wait until December 2017 for my first FIT payment.

Don't make the same mistake as me!
Don't believe everything what the rep tells you. I was told the scheme would pay me back a guaranteed minimum FIT tariff (£500 a year) for 25 years but this does not appear to be the case, I have looked into this and clarified via my energy company and Ofgem that the FIT payments will only be paid for a duration of 20 years.
If any rep states otherwise you need to get it in writing and hold them accountable. On top of this the figures the rep gave me for the FIT payments can not be confirmed by anyone, so it's a waiting game to see how much I actually make back form FIT payments. Although I was informed I would receive something in writing from head office to advise me of my FIT payments nothing has been received and I am told the rep no longer works for the company!

NOTE: Since dealing with management, I have been reassured that the FIT tariff is indeed for 20 years but I will get a return on the generation, for a further 5 years, figures on return were not quoted as they can not be guaranteed.

October 2017 - Air Source Heat Pump

My air source heat pump was fitted and commissioned by 04/10/2017.
What seemed like a straight forward job turned out to be a repeat of what had happened with the solar panel fitting. The information that had been relayed back to the engineers was not what was on their job sheets. I must mention that the engineers were very professional and courteous and did the job they had been told to do. The problem was with whoever was in charge of the logistics of ensuring the Netatmo unit (thermostat) and the correct amount of radiators were delivered to finish the job.
The 200 litre capacity cylinder took up a lot more space than expected. My previous boiler was in my study (a converted small bedroom), so I've practically had to write it off as a bedroom.

All my radiators were replaced, except for one which is still pending at time of writing 18/10/2017, and the two additional radiators I was promised are still pending. The system is up and running but not fully functional as the cold spots in the home have not been eliminated. 
Registering for the RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) was easier that applying for the FIT as this was done directly with Ofgem online. My account shows exactly what I can expect back. NOTE - this figure is lower than what the rep has stated but was as mentioned on the paperwork. The rep had stated that I would automatically get an increase but I'm not holding my breath based on the FIT fib (see above). Don't you just wish for once you could deal with an honest rep!! It's these kinds of reps that lose business in the long run. 

Update 12/10/2017

The promised led bulbs arrived but not all of them were the wattage I had requested. I requested E27 fitting 60-70 watt bulbs as specified in the sheet I was sent, but got 50 watt bulbs. The GU10 bulbs were correct.

Update 17/10/2017 - Netatmo Unit

The Netatmo unit (thermostat) was fitted 17/10/2017, and I must say it'a a good bit of kit that can be operated from your mobile phone. You never have to worry about forgetting to turn the heat off when you're out, and you never have to come home to a cold house. You can control settings via the website and view your usage history. Please note, depending on where you place the unit it may trigger an email notice that your system is not operating correctly and that the desired heat is not being reached. I have had to end up placing the unit in the same room where the equipment has been installed.

Update 08/11/2017 - Warning

Despite many attempts to get the job completed I'm still waiting for the radiators to be installed. The response from the company has been poor, stating they are very busy, which is good for them but frankly speaking, it's not my problem. Losing trust in them day by day.

I've had the ASHP for about a month and can say that there has been a huge reduction in my gas bill. One thing I will say having all this work done is that you will definitely not be off the grid, you will still have to pay for energy from the grid.
I received my energy bill for the month and was surprised to learn that my electricity bill had increased! I was told the capacity of my solar battery would cover my needs, but it appears not to be the case. I have to concede that I feel I was mis-sold the solar system. I will to wait to get my first FIT payment in December 2017 before I can give an accurate update, but it's beginning to look like a bit of a con!

Update 09/11/2017

Letter of complaint emailed to Head Office. Social Media deployed, links to this blog sent to all friends and family to share with others.
Challenged the company with regards to unfinished work and discrepancies with FIT and RHI payments. Surprisingly quick response received, everyone is eager to resolve matters, which is always a good sign. Gesture of good will offered to install the radiators that were promised in the first place! 
No admittance or apologies from company that their representative had given me false information to get me to sign up for both systems. At the moment it seems they are trying to keep his name out of any correspondence with me. I've had three calls from the company today after I had requested all correspondence should be via email or letter, and let this be a further warning to you all,  when dealing with disputes always get it in writing. A lot of what the rep told me was verbal which will be harder to prove, but there are ways around this, which I will disclose after these matters have been resolved.
One thing I can mention with regards to verbal agreements is - Mutual consent and understanding, which means that both parties are cognizant about what they are agreeing to and Offer and acceptance, which means that one party is proposing something that the other party may accept under certain conditions.
Even if you have signed a contact in good faith based on what any company rep has said, there are still ways to get some compensation back via companies that offer help with mis sold solar systems.

Grounds for solar panel mis-selling claims can include: 
Mis-represented system performance predictions
Undelivered promises of system performance
Wrongly installed equipment / faulty equipment
High pressure or aggressive sales tactics
Bad advice resulting in financial loss, i.e "it will pay for itself"
System not fit for purpose
I was surprised at how many companies offer this service when I did a Google search, there must be a lot of mis-selling going on.

Let's hope I don't have to pursue this route.

Update 17/11/2017 - Warning

The company agreed to complete the remaining work, however, at time of writing no date has been agreed - further update on this soon.
I've had a few communications with management regarding mis-selling and what I originally agreed to, the response I got was to refer back to the paperwork which I signed. Despite me telling that I challenged the rep on the figures and sought clarification, the response was that "the validation document clarifying the figures before install on the companies behalf supersedes any information left or discussed prior". 
In my opinion, this all seems like an unethical practice, in effect, what they are saying is a rep can say whatever he wants, to get the deal, as in my case, then the paperwork is sent out to be signed by the customer who then seeks an explanation of what is on this paperwork, from the same rep! 
In my case I challenged the rep with the figures on the paperwork but was told not to worry about the lower RHI as this would increase, and that the running costs would be covered by my solar system as would all my energy needs - This did not transpire - Folks, my advise to anyone thinking about installing an Air Source Heat Pump is to get everything down in writing and double checked before signing up...absolutely don't trust what the rep says, he hasn't got your interest at heart. My Air Source Heat Pump is going to end up costing me more to run than my previous boiler.

Update 29/11/2017

After a lengthy discussion with management on 21/11/2017, I advised that I felt I had been ripped off and mis-sold the systems. The Manager confirmed that what I had purchased would definitely not get me off the grid. I questioned the power of the battery pack and what my solar panels would actually produce as I had not been given a technical explanation on this. I was assured that some paperwork would be sent out.
During the 24 minute call I was assured that the remaining work would be completed on Friday 24th November, however, nobody showed up and I received no communication from them. I contacted management via text on Monday 27th Nov, no response received. Sent email on 29th and got a response that they were still waiting for me to supply them with information as to what sizes were requires. Replied to this reminding them that I had already done this on the 15th November. Resent info.

Update 01/12/2017

Emailed to check on progress, was informed that email had not been received, resent again. Hoping to get the work finished on 6th December.

Update 08/12/2017

First FIT readings submitted to energy supplier (OVO) Generation 476, Export 217. Payment due in March 2018. Statement due in February 2018.

Update 12/12/2017

Work finally completed on 12th December, remaining radiators fitted.

Update 22/12/2017

Advised the company that the kitchen radiator was not getting past warm, was advised this would be passed time of writing this 25/01/2018, no response received.

Update 18/01/2018 - First RHI Payment

First RHI payment received for £264.58

Update 19/01/2018

First FIT payment received for period 19th September to 8th December 2017 - Total £20.81
I will have to wait the full year to see what this equates to and whether indeed I will be getting anywhere in the region as £500 per year as advised by the rep. Nothing has been received explaining what my solar system will produce as assured to me on 21/11/2017.

Update 25/01/2018

No response regards to radiator not producing enough heat.
Have been liaising with Ikano Bank with regards to lodged dispute, no payments are being taken whilst dispute is ongoing.

Update 24/02/2018

Still no response regards to radiator not producing enough heat. Ikano bank have been in touch, in a stale mate situation as the false information was given verbally and we signed the document which has the correct figures stated on there.

Replies received from my post on Money Saving Expert forum. Two other people have come forward who are in a similar predicament and have been trying to resolve matters since 2016, both have been placed in an unnecessary debt.

Update 27/02/2018

Emailed the company 26/02/2018
Received a response to call back, which I did on 27/02/2018, agreed that an engineer would come out to resolve matters with the non working radiator.

Went to Citizens Advice was given a number to call 0345 4040506, called and explained my predicament, was advised that Trading Standards would be notified on my behalf, (ref number supplied) they may, or may get in touch with me, dependant on whether other people had put in complaints about the company. Was advised to give the company an opportunity to resolve matters by sending a formal letter via recorded delivery outlining that what I had been told, what was signed for and what I was getting was completely different. Also to ask them if they have ADR (Alternative
Dispute Resolution) membership and to state we were willing to liaise with through them to resolve the issues. Was advised to state we are formally writing to advise the company that we feel the way in which the Solar Panels and Air Source Heat Pump systems were sold to us, breached the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
And also to mention that we felt we had been misled by the company representative who had fallen below the good faith standards of skill and who’s reckless practice affected our ability to make an informed decision and thus putting us into debt by misleading us to believe we would receive FIT and RHI returns that would cover our loan payments, and that we would no longer have an energy bill to worry about. Furthermore he falsely stated that we had a very limited time, namely, until the end of the month, to sign up in order to get the stated returns, thus depriving us of sufficient opportunity to make an informed choice.

Update 28/02/2018

Wrote and posted letter as advised by Citizens Advice, gave 1 month for a response to be formulated. Sent via recorded delivery 

Update 07/03/2018

Received letter from HIES (Home Insulation & Energy Systems Quality Assured Contractors Scheme) in response to my feedback questionnaire. Was advised to call in to register complaint. Called office and advised of predicament, was told I would be contacted by someone in 48 hours. 

Also responded to Ikano, with regards to solar panel installation not being carried out as per original surveyor report. 

Update 08/03/2018

Received call from HIES (Home Insulation & Energy Systems Quality Assured Contractors Scheme). Was advised to send all paperwork to them. Advised they would contact the company.
Engineer was supposed to have come to the property today to fix/inspect the kitchen radiator that is still not working, no one showed up and no communication with regards to this from the company.

Update 12/03/2018

Been going through paperwork found this in the installation manual, in my mind this clearly suggests that the company and their reps are aware that these systems are expensive to run...but they choose to withhold this information.

Once again, be warned... despite what they tell you, these systems DON'T PAY FOR THEMSELVES.  If you've got a gas supply, stick with it.

Solar Panel FIT Calculator

Found a useful site (Energy Saving Trust) which has a FIT calculator, according to that I'm expected to make about £130 a year from generation and export tariff. Makes you wonder, if I can get a more realistic figure from this site, shouldn't the "well trained" reps have this at their disposal.  I think they just pluck out an arbitrary figure because they know potential customers won't know any different. Link to this online calculator is listed under the useful links, or click on link below.


Scheduled meeting with Director and Manager - Company was keen to come to a mutual agreement. Agreed to compensate me for the high energy bills over the last 3 months, agreed to install a PV Plus unit which would boost the capacity of the solar panels by a said 25%. Also agreed to send an engineer to balance the radiators and check the glycerol levels in the system and agreed to conduct a 12 month review in October 2018. Agreement was based on me removing all social media posts relating to the company. 

April - May 2018

PV Plus unit fitted on 21/04/2018 - Fault found with inverter display - was informed this would be covered by warranty. The inverter replaced under warranty in April.

RHI Payment received 20/04/2018 - £266.10

FIT Payment received 16/04/2018 £13.83

For readings submitted - Total Generation 262, Export 63

Reported leak on ASHP which was fixed.

July - August 2018

RHI Payment received 20/072018 - £272.64

FIT Payment received 15/08/2018 £67.11
For readings submitted - Total Generation 931, Export 544

October 2018

RHI Continues at set amount without any issues.
FIT Payment received October 2018 £91.14
For readings submitted - Total Generation 1214, Export 757

So after the best summer for sometime, it's clear it won't get any better than this. I've had a return of £172.08 which is considerably lower than the £500 a year I was told. 

November 2018 - BE WARNED PEOPLE - Final Update

No one has been in touch for the year review which should have been in October.
I can honestly say in my final comments that these systems, even during the great summer of 2018 could not take me off the grid, granted my bills were only £12-15 per month for 3 or so months during the summer, they aren't worth the money and will not pay for themselves. Be warned people 


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Living Off The Grid - The Reality

Living Off The Grid - The Reality The way I have presented this blog is by trying to keep it as easy as possible and present the informat...